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ESD & Environment

Australia’s National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development (1992) defines Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) as 'using, conserving and enhancing the community's resources so that ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in the future, can be increased'.

ESD is something that S&A take very seriously and endeavour to incorporate across all levels of operations. 

S&A has achieved accreditation to the ISO14001:2015. Throughout the business operations, S&A has always aimed to minimize the amount of business impact on the environment. This is evident in the recommendation of Ecological Sustainable Developments whenever tendering on projects. In addition, we recycle as much material as possible from the site.

When undertaking any project, we seek to understand the impact on the immediate and greater environment. Our management plan outlines the procedures and practices to be adopted on projects to achieve this, including requirements of clients and regulatory authorities.

As part of the site induction process, all workers are briefed on specific environmental issues and protective measures applicable to their project. Full instructions are given regarding procedures relating to environmental accidents and complaints.

All company and subcontractor workers engaged on S&A projects are provided with a full understanding of - and their responsibility to comply with - the environmental requirements of the project.

Recycling is a major way in which S&A ensures our operations are maximising our role in sustainability. All recyclable materials are taken to the appropriate recyclers and measures have been implemented to ensure waste is disposed of correctly in accordance with WHS legislation and EPA Guidelines.

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