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Our commitment to safety is real and has been brought to life through our own Safety Management Plan. It is also evident through our forming of activity specific Safe Work Method practices, ensuring all employee and sub-contractors are fully aware of the S&A Contracting safety protocol.

We strive to ensure safety guidelines and practices meet the same high standards we put into our work. With many of our sites being occupied, we have gained considerable experience over the years in dealing with the sensitive nature of such works. Our record speaks for itself through positive feedback and accident free workplaces.

We are continuing to seek improvements in all areas of our operation. This includes workplace training for our employees to improve their own knowledge and skills.

In short, quality and safety underpin everything we do at S&A Contracting.


The objectives of our Safety Policy are:


  • To achieve an accident-free workplace;

  • To make WHS an integral part of every managerial and supervisory position;

  • To ensure WHS is considered in all planning and work activities;

  • To involve our employees in the decision making processes through regular communication, consultation and training;

  • To provide a continuous program of education and learning to ensure that our employees work in the safest possible manner;

  • To identify and control all potential hazards in the workplace through hazard identification and risk analysis;

  • To ensure all potential accident / incidents are controlled and prevented; and

  • To provide effective injury management and rehabilitation for all employees.


The success of our WHS is dependent on several factors. Primarily, our work teams must be aware of all processes and potential WHS risks and be committed to achieving our objectives above. This is achieved through open communication between management and all employees and by ensuring that proactive planning takes place for all activities and that WHS controls are relevant to the situation. 

We gained accreditation to the Office of Federal Safety in 2020. 

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